Friday 17 January 2014

Craig and Christine

Craig and Christine got married at Parish of the Blessed Sacrament Church, on the 14th December last year. The reception, and creative shoot, took place at Rain Farm Game Lodge. The couple, along with their bridal party, were good fun to work with. They did anything I asked them to do...literally. At one point, as a joke, I asked the men to perform a river dance, and they did exactly that! The best part is that it made for a cracker of a shot! See if you can spot the river dance shot in this collection. This was my last wedding of the year, and so happened to be the hottest day of the year, in my opinion. Despite the heat waves, we managed to accumulate a vast variety of inspiring shots throughout the day. It was at this wedding that I managed to fall out of a tree. This happened when the branch I was hanging from gave way. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I fell into a river bed of mud, which softened my fall. I ended up getting the shot I was after, which made the whole ordeal worth while. Special thanks to Nikita Sweet for recommending me to the couple! I trust that they will also be thanking you, when they receive their album. Big thanks to Paul Esteves for assisting me on the day. I could never get these results without him!

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